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Worldwide shipping

Common queries answered

Frequently asked Questions

On average, it takes between 8-20 days to complete the purchase and receive it

For full information about our product return rules, read our Refund and return page.

After sending the product, it is not possible to change the address and after that it is subject to the product return rules.

After entering Your Account Page, you can see all the information you need there.

You can contact us with 2 different ways.

  1. You can send your problem to us via email at the address below.
  2. You can send your problem to us via contact form.

We have the ability to send our products to all authorized countries, but if you need to be sure, you can ask us through the form in front of you.

It is possible to receive your purchase in separate packages.

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Worldwide shipping

Shipping to all the country

Easy 14 days returns

14 days money back guarantee

100% Secure Checkout

PayPal / MasterCard / Visa